Re: Who made the actual LOTR movie bows?

Not all arrows were CGI, although some were. They did make functional bows for use in the movies. The scene in ROTK, where Wormtongue kills Saruman, features a real working bow. When Legolas fires an arrow to kill Wormtongue after stabbing Saruman, Orlando Bloom actually fires his bow, with a real arrow, and hits a target near a camera. That's why the actors had to train on how to use bows, because they actually did.
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Re: Who made the actual LOTR movie bows?

If your going to 'dry shoot' a bow, i.e. with no arrow, then you would need to make a special bow, because a bow is not designed to be fired like this. Dry shooting a bow can cause damage to the limbs (The arms top and bottom) and eventually cause them to fracture or delaminate. I was warned against shooting without an arrow when I started shooting because of this. Also the Lothlorien bow that Orlando Bloom carried lasted through the entire filming process without breaking, until his very last day of shooting and his very last shot when the string broke! How's that for timing!

Re: Who made the actual LOTR movie bows?

That's the info we had at UC too. Falconer was involved in the design and making. We had a Weta Lorien bow prop at UC that was made of Urethane with a wood core. It had about a 20lb draw, and could really shoot the arrows Weta gave us. The bow string was several strands of different colored thread woven into a cord. It had that Elvish sheen like the Elven cloths. Too bad we never got to make the bows.
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